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Overview For control of auxiliary equipment as a function of motor shaft position. Features Compatible with Modutrol III and Modutrol IV motors. (Requires 220738A adapter bracket for use with Modutrol IV motors).Micro Switch precision switches, adjustable.Indicate motor position by use of a scale plate anchored to a common shaft, which allows Q607 to be adjusted for operational sequence before mounting.Adjustable plate allows universal mounting on either end of motor.Wrap-around cover for easy access to switch adjustments and wiring.Maintenance-free protection of the switches and cams.
Application :
Weight (lb) :
2.5 lb
Item Type :
Mounting :
Cover or gear end
Approvals, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. :
Listed File: E4436, Guide: XAPX2
Approvals, Canadian Standards Association :
Certified: File No. LR1620
Electrical Connections :
Screw terminals
Internal Auxiliary Switch :
Control Signal :
SPDT, On/Off switch

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