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- Our Mission
- Why DMSS?
- Hard to Find Parts
How can I create an easier and more valuable experience for the customer?
We pride ourselves in doing it right the first time and “going above and beyond customer expectations”. Customer satisfaction is our absolute mission and we pride ourselves on promoting quality products that we distribute in a timely manner and ensuring a long-standing relationship with our customer base. DM Supply Source is committed to deliver items and products contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable, more secure, connected, energy efficient, and productive world.
We want to provide people and organizations the tools to be even more successful. Our business is committed to providing an excellent customer experience through convenience, accuracy of orders, training, technical support, and timely delivery as well as help with product selection and retrofit applications.[..]
What makes us one of the best in the industry? Hands down, no questions asked, “Our Employees & product offering”!
We believe happy, knowledgeable employees make happy customers. Our staff are highly trained and dedicated. They have an extensive knowledge of our vast product offering in the HVAC/R industry. We understand the importance of going above and beyond customer expectations and promote the importance of family, community and our customers. DMSS offers a wide variety of product and innovation for your applications. Let us know what we can assist you with!
We offer a user-friendly and convenient website that allows “One stop shopping”. Our website is secure and offers the capability to shop day or night. A highly trained and friendly staff will respond to all inquiries in a timely manner. At DMSS, we understand the importance of our customers and strive to exceed expectations. [..]
Thank You for visiting our DM Supply Source Website!
Due to the large variety of products that we offer, parts could be subject to changes. These changes could include price increases or decreases, obsoleted, updated or discontinued items in need of direct or functional replacement. The DMSS Super Store will be subject to updates on major manufactured parts and pieces.
Not all manufactures product offering will be listed on our website. We ask that you contact us:
- by phone (877-927-3677)
- fax (570-227-0002)
- email (CUSTOMER.SERVICE@DMSUPPLYSOURCE.COM) or (technical.support@dmsupplysource.com).[..]