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Overview Electronic-Pneumatic Transducers are used in electronic-pneumatic control systems to convert a proportional electric output signal from a controller into a direct-acting, proportional pneumatic signal. Features Screw mounting or snap rail (models with cover).Factory calibrated.Dual barb fittings.High accuracy.
Airflow Usage :
0.025 scfm (117mL/s)
Maximum Safe Operating Pressure (psi) :
30 psi, maximum
Maximum Safe Operating Pressure (kPa) :
205 kPa, maximum
Temperature Range (F) :
131 F, maximum
Temperature Range (C) :
55 C, maximum
Electrical Connections :
30 in. (762 mm) lead wire
Operating Humidity Range (% RH) :
5 to 95% RH
Pressure Range (psi) :
0 to 18 psi, Output--3 to 15 psi
Pressure Range (kPa) :
0 to 125 kPa, Output--21 to 103 kPa
Input Signal :
2 to 10 Vdc
Nominal Low End (psi) :
0.5 psi at 0 Vdc
Nominal Low End (kPa) :
3.5 kPa at 0 Vdc
Current :
16 mA

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