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Overview Manually position a remote damper actuator or reset the setpoint of a pneumatic controller. They can also provide minimum damper position. Replacement kits are available for Johnson, Powers, Robertshaw, Barber-Colman, and older Honeywell switches. Features Two spans available as shipped. Six spans with breakaway stops on knob.Pilot bleed and isolated pilot models available.Wall or panel mounting.
Airflow Usage :
0.022 scfm (9.8 mL/s)
Dimensions (in.) :
1 1/2 in. diameter x 3 in. deep
Dimensions (mm) :
38 mm diameter x 76 mm deep
Maximum Safe Operating Pressure (psi) :
30 psi, maximum
Maximum Safe Operating Pressure (kPa) :
207 kPa, maximum
Temperature Range (F) :
0 F to 140 F
Temperature Range (C) :
-18 C to +60 C
Mounting :
Panel or Wall
Operating Humidity Range (% RH) :
5 to 95% RH

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