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Overview Light and Medium Duty Line Voltage Thermostats control line voltage valves, motors, contractors, electric heat, elements, duct furnaces, and fan coil units in heating/cooling systems. Features Automatic cooling and heating anticipation.Mount on standard vertical or horizontal outlet box.
Application :
Heating and cooling
Item Type :
Frequency :
50 Hz, 60 Hz
Approvals, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. :
Listed: File No. E4436, Guide No. XAPX, Guide No. XAPX.
Approvals, Canadian Standards Association :
CSA Certified, File No. LR1322
Tradeline Value :
Super Tradeline
Electrical Connections :
Supply Voltage :
120 to 227 Vac
Switch Positions (System) :
heating and cooling
Sensor Element :
Vapor filled dual diaphragm
Differential Temperature (F) :
2 F
Setting Temperature Range (F) :
44 F to 86 F

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